Thursday, December 12, 2013

More Confirmation

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, I wanted to wait to blog until I had confirmation after confirmation :) Well, as most of you already know.... WE'RE PREGNANT!! The last time I blogged I was on day 5 after the transfer. My next appointment was the next Friday, November 8 for blood work to see if my HCG levels were high enough, which says if you are pregnant or not. For some reason, on Monday the 4th (the day after I wrote my last blog) I got a feeling while sitting at Kaiden's therapy. When Kaiden and I got home, I wasn't even sure if I had a pregnancy test.  Sure enough when I looked, there was one shoved under my sink to the very back.  I thought, why not! I nonchalantly took the test, let Chloe (the dog) outside and walked back to look at the test, thinking I was going to see a "not pregnant" on the screen. To my surprise, it said "pregnant". I was in complete and utter shock! I didn't know what to think. We had been waiting on this moment for two and a half years! I wanted to surprise Brandon with the news, so Kaiden and I jumped back in the car, went and bought a big brother shirt, and made it back home right after Brandon was home. Kaiden had his new shirt on and handed daddy the test. The look on his face was priceless :)

Friday came along, and even though I cheated Monday, I didn't want to get my hopes up just yet. They took my blood and off I went. About two o'clock they called to let me know what my levels were. I was pulling up to a photo shoot when I got the phone call, "congratulations Jennifer, you are pregnant. Your levels were 487". Keep in mind that pretty much anything over a 5 is "technically" considered pregnant. Pregnancy tests usually test for about a 20 or 25. She did say my levels were high, which could mean possible twins, but could also mean one good healthy pregnancy. I still didn't want to get my hopes up and still needed more confirmation. I wanted to see what my levels were on my next blood work appointment. They are usually supposed to double within a day or so. I went back that next Monday and my levels had gone up to 1917. They had almost quadrupled! My jaw about fell off when she called me that day. Still, I wanted to wait. At least until I went back for the first sonogram to make sure the sacs were there and looked good. I went in the next Monday, November 18th. "Surprise, there are two!"

I was measuring right on track and everything looked good. Again, I still wanted to wait, now for the heartbeat sonogram. Monday, December 2nd was our next appointment to hear the heartbeats. We went in and the two little sacs were still there and you could actually see the little miracles in them this time. After measuring them both and listening to the heartbeats of both, everything sounded great! Baby A was measuring 7 weeks 3 days and had a heart beat of 160 bpm. Baby B was measuring 6 weeks 6 days with a  heart beat of 167 bpm. Everything was GREAT and we were all a little emotional. Looking back at the sac with Baby A, I saw something else and I noticed the Dr taking a look at it. When I asked what it was, he said, "well it is actually another baby, but I don't see a heart beat on this one yet and it's measuring a little behind the other two. It looks like you almost had triplets!" WHAT?!? That little one was measuring 6 weeks 3 days, so about a week behind. He explained that it would probably just dissolve. We won't know until we go back on December 23rd, if the third baby actually pulled through or if it just wasn't meant to be. As sad as I would be to hear that the third baby didn't make it, I know the other two are the embryos we put in, and we are thankful for whatever God gives us!

I feel beyond blessed, and want to thank all of you again for all the love and support you have shown and still show on a daily basis.

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